Lily for Congress Campaign Blog

Questions Raised …

[NH]Journal article on SCOTUS protests asked for my comment. My response to the protests against Kavanaugh is at the end of the article. Here is what I said about Kuster’s rhetoric….

Timcast – MonkeyPox and Lily Tang Williams

I was on Timcast May 19th for the Third Time, talking about my campaign for Congress in NH-02, high inflation and gas prices, supply chains, Shanghai draconian lockdown, CCP threats and infiltration, Monkeypox, etc. Thanks again to those in my audience who donated to my campaign.

Tucker Carlson *Tonight*

From my appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight show two days ago. Thanks to those who donated to my campaign. Pl share my warnings & urge the others to contribute.
I am the front runner in NH Republican primary on Sept. 13th. I need the grassroots’ help to win, then go on to the general election on Nov. 8th to unseat the incumbent Democrat Congresswoman Ann Kuster who has been in DC for 10 years. She votes with Pelosi 98% of the time.
Please help me to get elected, change the direction of our country is going, keep the American Dream alive for our kids.
Please donate now at:

Daily Caller

My first interview by The Daily Caller.“As the only Chinese immigrant who is running for Congress as a Republican, I condemn the CCP’s inhumane ‘Zero Covid’ lockdowns. I urge President…